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Webinar - 2021 CIO Priorities Report

At the start of 2020, no business leader predicted the disruption that was to come. IT was left in a reactive but critical role as the health crisis hit. IT was core to delivering the organization’s products and services as it drove the radical shift to work-from-home.

For the year ahead, IT departments will continue to serve a critical function in turbulent times. However, unlike last year, CIOs can better prepare for the uncertainty of the year ahead. What they need to prepare for is still largely to be defined. But despite the lack of confidence on knowing specifically what is to come, most will admit they don’t feel ready for it yet.

In this context, the theme for Info-Tech’s 2021 Priorities Report is “resilience,” in other words, building up the organizational capacity and the capabilities to effectively respond to emergent and unforeseen needs. Join us for this webinar, which will explore this theme across our five CIO priorities for the year ahead:

  • Create an appropriate budget reserve.
  • Refocus IT risk planning.
  • Strengthen organizational change management capabilities.
  • Establish capacity awareness.
  • Keep emerging technologies in view.

Featured Speaker

Travis Duncan

Research Director, Applications – Project & Portfolio Management
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