key roles succession planning tool

Build an IT Succession Plan

Blueprint: CIO

Key roles hold an organization’s most valued knowledge and skills. In the worst cast scenario, a key employee’s departure results in loss of valuable knowledge, core business relationships, and profits. Most organizations are unprepared for the loss of employees who hold key roles. Planning and...

Future-proof your IT leadership team.

Use this tool to document key roles, incumbents, potential successors, and associated readiness and risk points.After completion of the tool, you will have:A place to document business priorities, goals, and challengesAn inventory of all key roles, including the required skills and knowledge for each oneA repository of key role incumbent details,.

Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

Tool: CIO

Use this tool to document key roles, incumbents, potential successors, and associated readiness and risk points.

Role Profile Template

Templates And Policies: CIO

Use this tool to outline the minimum requirements for your critical roles.

Role Transition Plan Template

Templates And Policies: CIO

Many role transitions are characterized by low productivity and lost opportunities. As one employee exits a role and the successor takes over, a clear checklist-based plan will help ensure a smooth and rapid transition.

Critical Role Identifier

Tool: CIO

Use this tool to evaluate and classify roles to facilitate workforce planning decisions.

​​Create a Service Management and IT Operations Strategy​

Blueprint: Infrastructure & Operations

Develop a holistic, integrated vision for IT operations and service management practices in alignment with your organization’s greater goals.

​​Move from assessment to action, using an interconnected approach to meet organizational goals.​

An Excel-based template to document and prioritize activities. This tool can help you:Make a detailed list of what needs to be improved.Group and prioritize tasks based on their impact, effort, and risk.Visualize and categorize data from the assessment activity.Identify accountable and responsible parties for each task.

Service and Operations Task Planning and Role Assignment Tool

Tool: Infrastructure & Operations

An Excel-based template to document and prioritize activities.

The Complete Manual for Layoffs

Blueprint: CIO

When the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization's control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. This decline in revenue as a result of a weakening economy will force organizations to reconsider every dollar they spend.

Ensure executive leadership and managers have the direction on best-practice tactics to effectively manage layoffs.

Use this tool to determine how to facilitate a transfer of knowledge between a role incumbent and a successor of a critical role. Keep institutional knowledge in the organization by planning... Use the Knowledge Transfer Job Aid to:Identify critical knowledge held by at-risk key role incumbent(s)Select appropriate methods for transferring.

Knowledge Transfer Job Aid

Templates And Policies: McLean & Company

Use this tool to determine how to facilitate a transfer of knowledge between a role incumbent and a successor of a critical role.

Audit the Project Portfolio

Blueprint: Project & Portfolio Management

The Project Portfolio Audit based on Info-Tech’s Audit Standard examines the accountability of project sponsors and approvers for costs and benefits. The foundation principle for project and portfolio audit involves Fiduciary Duty: The obligation of management to act responsibly, in the best...

View the portfolio through the lens of your stakeholders.

Based on the results of the audit, this tool should be used as a project plan for next steps. Use this tool to determine the next steps and assign tasks to the appropraite people.

PPM Audit Timeline Template

Templates And Policies: Project & Portfolio Management

Based on the results of the audit, this tool should be used as a project plan for next steps.

Authority Matrix

Tool: Infrastructure & Operations

The tool is very basic but can be easily adapted to suit each manager's needs. It uses the RACI matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed) to describe the participation of relevant roles for tasks and responsibilities.

The tool is ... It uses the RACI matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed) to describe the participation of relevant roles for tasks and responsibilities. The Authority Matrix can be used by managers to provide basic guidelines around decision-making boundaries. Sought out for input on the task.Informed. Notified of task.

HR Systems Strategy RACI Chart

Tool: Applications

The RACI Chart assists you in organizing roles for carrying out project steps and makes sure there are definite roles that different individuals in the organization must play. Complete this tool to assign project steps to individuals of best-fit.

The RACI Chart assists you in organizing roles for carrying out project steps and makes sure there are definite roles that different individuals in the organization must play. Complete this tool to assign project steps to individuals of best-fit. The HR Systems Strategy RACI Chart assists you in organizing roles for carrying out project steps and.

Team Selection Tool

Templates And Policies: Small Enterprise Resources

The goal of this tool is to identify members that will make up a work group or project team. This is done by identifying skills that need to be on the team as well as those individuals that are available to bring those skills forward. By documenting specific roles and responsibilities, you can...

The goal of this tool is to identify members that will make up a work group or project team. This is done by identifying skills that need to be on th... By documenting specific roles and responsibilities, you can ensure adequate skills coverage and clarify the expectations of individual team members. Building a successful team – whether for.

Begin Your Projects With the End in Mind

Blueprint: Project & Portfolio Management

This research will help you organize project intake, initiation, and planning to enable a smooth closing process; provide support and insight into how to tie project closure back to the project charter; and write a closable project charter that is sufficiently protected from scope creep.

Plant the seeds of successful adoption and benefits realization before you move on.

Use this tool to take a closure-focused approach to managing a project. Includes a project charter, roles and responsibilities, task management, timeline management, statue updates, scope changes, closure checklist, and adoption planning.. Use this tool to take a closure-focused approach to managing a project. Includes a project charter, roles and.

Keystone Project Management Workbook

Tool: Project & Portfolio Management

Use this tool to take a closure-focused approach to managing a project. Includes a project charter, roles and responsibilities, task management, timeline management, statue updates, scope changes, closure checklist, and adoption planning.

Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic

Blueprint: CIO

COVID-19 is showing the true impacts that our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world can have. The world has been forced to respond, with a pandemic triggering record-breaking market volatility, causing organizations to face very hard decisions. Not knowing what a new day will...

Times of crisis put leadership to the test. The window for initial action is small – be planful rather than giving in to knee-jerk reactions.

... tool to evaluate employee segments like roles or departments and determine which are most important to the organization's short and/orEvaluate employee segments (e.g. roles, departments) and determine which ones are most important to the organization's short- and/or long-term viability.Use the Short-Term Survival Segment Evaluation Tool.

Short-Term Survival Segment Evaluation Tool

Tool: Infrastructure & Operations

Use this tool to evaluate employee segments like roles or departments and determine which are most important to the organization's short and/or long-term viability.

Identify and Build the Data & Analytics Skills Your Organization Needs

Blueprint: Data & Business Intelligence

The demand for data expertise has grown. It is critical for organizations to identify the skill and talent makeup of their data and analytics workforce. By recognizing skills gaps early, data leaders can plan to train current data workers or attract talent, reducing the risk of a shortage of...

Blending soft skills with deep technical expertise is essential for building successful data & analytics teams.

Use this tool to help you identify the current and required level of competency for data & analytics skills, analyze gaps, and create an actionable plan. Use this tool to help your team analyze and identify skill gaps in your organization's data & analytics workforce. Use this tool to: Document the essential data & analytics roles, soft.

Data & Analytics Skills Assessment and Planning Tool

Tool: Data & Business Intelligence

Use this tool to help you identify the current and required level of competency for data & analytics skills, analyze gaps, and create an actionable plan.

(Re)Calibrate Your IT Workforce for AI

Blueprint: CIO

The rapid evolution of AI has created gaps between the required and available skills needed to smoothly implement and maintain AI. Combined with the pace of change, this makes it difficult to identify how IT skills must shift to support the AI strategy and deliver on outcomes. The introduction...

Align your workforce with the evolving landscape of AI technology.

A workbook that extends your team-level assessment to individuals, enabling targeted development planning. This is a supplementary workbook for workforce planning, which helps you bridge your overall workforce plan with your employees’ individual development plans. It guides you through recording role-related competencies, as well as individual.

Individual Competency Assessment Workbook

Tool: Team Leadership & Management

A workbook that extends your team-level assessment to individuals, enabling targeted development planning.

Develop a Comprehensive IAM Improvement Strategy

Blueprint: Security

Define a clear IAM strategy that aligns with your organization’s security objectives and regulatory requirements; outlines the goals, roadmap, and desired outcomes of the IAM program; and considers user populations, existing systems, and scalability needs.

A successful identity and access management program is built on solid foundational processes.

Use this tool to document the roles and responsibilities associated with managing identities and access in your organization. Use this tool to document the roles and responsibilities associated with managing identities and access in your organization.


Tool: Security

Use this tool to document the roles and responsibilities associated with managing identities and access in your organization.

Infor Talent Management

SoftwareReviews: Software Product

Infor Talent Management is a set of applications that supports strategic people initiatives, helping organizations to get the most from their talent. Build diverse teams and personalize career path strategies for your people by leveraging large quantities of behavioral and performance data.

Establish Your Digital Transformation Governance

Blueprint: CIO

A digital transformation office is a critical component of successful transformations. An effective transformation office forces a disciplined and consistent execution approach, drives impact and minimizes value leakage, serves as a coordination mechanism across the organization, and builds...

Leverage the infrastructural rigor of a digital transformation office to manage your transformation and maximize value creation.

A simple template that guides a leader through the identification of the key roles to staff the digital transformation office. Use this template to help you identify the right people for the key roles within a transformation:Roles in the DTO: those who drive the transformationRoles in transformation workstreams: those who lead day-to-day.

Assignment of Digital Transformation Office Key Roles Template

Templates And Policies: CIO

A simple template that guides a leader through the identification of the key roles to staff the digital transformation office.

Implement an IT Employee Development Plan

Blueprint: CIO

Today, operating environments change quickly, and it is critical that IT departments develop the competencies employees need both today and in the future. Do this successfully by using Info-Tech’s process for implementing development planning that focuses on making development employee-owned,...

Improve IT engagement by empowering employees.

Use this job aid to outline the employee development process, roles, and responsibilities for managers. ... the tools and resources to develop employeesJob aids are one resource that can be used to outline the new or revised development process. Use the IT Manager Job Aid: Employee Development to outline:Employee development essentialsManager and.

IT Manager Job Aid: Employee Development

Templates And Policies: CIO

Use this job aid to outline the employee development process, roles, and responsibilities for managers.

Prepare an Actionable Roadmap for Your PMO

Blueprint: Project & Portfolio Management

PMOs can’t do everything and be all things to all people. Define limits with a strong mandate and effective staffing. Make sure you have the skills and capacity to support required PMO functions.

Turn planning into action with a realistic PMO timeline.

This tool should be used as a current state and gap analysis of the services currently provided to your organization. The results will help define the services your new PMO should provide.. Use the PMO Role Definition Tool to establish your PMO current state and the service gaps you may have. Use the results to determine the role your PMO should.

PMO Role Definition Tool

Tool: Project & Portfolio Management

This tool should be used as a current state and gap analysis of the services currently provided to your organization. The results will help define the services your new PMO should provide.

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