Identify context and develop foundational knowledge to prepare for your tribal nation’s IT organizational design, including implications, a capability assessment, an...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why tribal nation context and foundational knowledge are critical to IT organizational placement, design, and nation building.
Identify context and develop foundational knowledge to prepare for your tribal nation’s IT organizational design.
This phase of the blueprint Prepare for Your Tribal Nation’s IT Organizational Design will help you understand the forces and context relevant to your IT organizational...
Use the Implications Checklist to understand the IT implications based on tribal nation context through the lens of eight perspectives.
Use the Authority Matrix Template to identify individuals that have authority over the proposal, review, and approval of the IT organizational design, including placement...
Use the Organizational Context Summary tool to summarize and communicate the tribal nation IT organizational context.
This phase of the blueprint Prepare for Your Tribal Nation’s IT Organizational Design will help you analyze and communicate the IT organizational design context.
Use the Capabilities Assessment Template to assess your tribal nation's current IT organizational design and readiness capability levels.
Use the Operating Model Pros and Cons Analysis Tool to brainstorm specific pros and cons of the various IT operating models for your tribal nation’s IT organizational...