Housing shortages! Reinventing the RCMP! Budget shortages! Forest fires! The headlines seem to swing from one crisis to the next and back again these days, and our...
Data practice & platform pre-build pattern templates based on Info-Tech data reference patterns and data platform design best practices.
Use Info-Tech's road-tested patterns and frameworks found in this blueprint to break the perpetual data solution cycle. Focus on the value that a data and analytics...
Info-tech's approach provides a proven methodology that includes following: - Business-aligned data initiatives and capabilities that address data challenges and...
As many organizations start to realize that data is their most powerful asset, they dive into analytics to get value from that data. Without guidance from a data strategy...
Use this template throughout this project to document findings as you conduct and complete assessments and key ideas and opportunities for your BI program.
The beauty of good story telling is its applicability to the most unexpected situations. In 1871, Lewis Carroll wrote about the evil Queen trying to convince Alice to...
Despite its proximity and frequency of travel with China, Taiwan has managed to keep out of the top 50 countries with the most confirmed COVID-19 cases by use of a...
DataOps is a complex topic. Industry leaders such as LinkedIn, Airbnb, and Uber have created their own operations platforms. Without open standards currently in place,...
Microsoft’s overlapping endpoint management solutions (SCCM, Intune) have confused users. Microsoft itself has acknowledged this problem and resolved it by uniting its...