Use Info-Tech's 2020 Applications Priorities Report to learn about the five initiatives that IT should prioritize for the year: adopt a platform for ERP, standardize...
Read the executive brief for a summary of the priorities and themes that an IT organization should focus on this year.
Info-Tech’s 2020 Applications Priorities Report explores five initiatives that IT should prioritize for the year that will position the organization to leap ahead of the...
This stage gate checklist allows the IT department to determine if it is ready to take on the task of improving its application maintenance processes.
This workbook contains a series of exercises for recording key decisions in executing an application maintenance strategy project.
Build out a complete business process diagram for your current application maintenance process.
Use this template to organize the project so that you can make effective resource allocation decisions, lay the foundation for all subsequent changes to project planning,...
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is an essential component in making sure all operational stakeholders execute a consistent process for application maintenance estimation.
Construct a formal communication plan to engage stakeholders through structured channels.