Automated testing is a requirement in modern testing practices. However, its success requires more than just a tool. Automation needs cross-functional representation and...
The concept of building a software factory has increased in popularity with the drive to build digital platforms, products, and services. It is also a major...
Limited capacity for manual testing exposes your applications to unnecessary business and technical risks. Delaying automation is not worth the price of potential lost...
This storyboard will help you develop your approach to adopt and mature your automated testing practice.
Read this concise Executive Brief to understand why adopting the right automated testing practices can address specific software delivery and testing challenges.
Use this template to guide your automated testing practices. It will help you communicate optimal automated testing practices and your approach to their implementation.
Medical Devices Manufacturing Automated Testing Tools Report
Medical Devices Manufacturing Automated Testing Report
Use this tool to assess your SDLC's readiness for optimization followed by automation. This tool is intended to be completed with Info-Tech's Automate Your SDLC blueprint.
Review this example to learn the process to follow for calculating Recovered Capacity