Tagged - build data center

Move a Data Center

IT managers may only face a data center move once or twice in their professional lives, and therefore may have little knowledge of how to approach the project.

Data Center Co-location SLA & Service Definition Template

A co-location Service Level Agreement (SLA) provides a definition of performance for the negotiated service. SLAs ensure accountability on the part of the service...

Data Center Annual Review Checklist

Completing an annual review of the data center resource utilization and physical condition plays a crucial part in overall capacity planning and IT effectiveness....

Storyboard: Renovate the Data Center

Successful data center renovation projects involve more than refreshing specific components of the facility. Renovation projects are more complex than first thought and...

Renovate the Data Center

This solution set will provide you with step-by-step design, planning and selection tools in order to define a data center renovation plan to reduce cost and risk while...

Data Center Renovation Project Charter

A data center renovation project charter is essential to the planning phase of the project. It lays out important information, such as the project description, potential...

Data Center Renovation Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

IT leaders tasked with renovating a data center often experience scope creep and budget issues in later stages if initial planning, design and requirements are not...

Data Center Renovation Contractor Scripted Interview

Data center facilities call for specific industrial design and engineering requirements to meet needs for fire-protection, power provisioning, stand-by power, cooling,...

Data Center Renovation Contractor Scripted Interview Scorecard

When meeting with potential contractors for the data center renovation project, organizations should use a scripted interview process to aid in decision making. Each...

Data Center Renovation Contractor Reference Checklist

Data center renovation projects can lead to unexpected complexity and require the assistance of mechanical engineers or contractors in planning and implementation stages....
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