Tagged - cars


Automotive Manufacturing IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook

Automotive Manufacturing IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook

Automotive Manufacturing IT Management & Governance Benchmarking Report

Automotive Manufacturing IT Management & Governance Benchmarking Report

Automotive Manufacturing Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template

Automotive Manufacturing Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template

Automotive Manufacturing Generative Design Technology Report

Automotive Manufacturing Generative Design Technology Report

Predictions for 2019

Of all the years we've been publishing annual predictions, this is certainly one of the most volatile. For that reason, I hope that these comments and calls are...

Energy vs. Information: Solving the Paradox of the Second Law

There is a massive acceptance of the meme that atoms and bits are increasingly fungible in some basic way. If mass is energy (it is), and energy represents information,...

Learning from the Leaders: Michael Dell and Mark Hurd

One of the most enjoyable benefits I get from my work is the chance to talk with some of the great technology and business leaders of our time. In my view, our members...
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