Tagged - Cloud computing

FiRe 2014: The Inventions and Trends We're Watching

Here is a selection of what we will be talking about, and doing, at FiRe 2014, with a few words on the trends behind them and why we picked them.

Top Ten Predictions for 2014

It is that time of year again: we've just returned from our annual Predictions Dinner in New York, and I'd like to share my predictions for the coming year with our...

Special Letter: Capability Leverage

Capability leverage is made possible when diverse parties, from individuals and small firms to large incumbents, and even cities, form ongoing and mutually beneficial...

Master Data Record Tool

Leverage the Master Data Record Tool to catalogue systems within the organization to help you determine with which data set you should begin your MDM initiative.

VMworld 2011: VMware Platform Is About the Whole Infrastructure

Three or four years ago keynotes and announcements at VMworld were all about cool server tricks. Today, as VMware seeks to be an infrastructure cloud platform, servers...

FEDTECH Magazine - The Many Faces of Cloud

(30-Jul-10) It takes the defense industry years to design and build a new tank or jet fighter. But when it comes to cloud computing, the Defense Information Systems...
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