Tagged - CoE

Empower Solution Delivery With the Right CoP, CoE, and C4E Model Workbook

Use this tool to record the blueprint exercises.

Empower Solution Delivery With the Right CoP, CoE, and C4E Model Selection Tool

Use this tool to assess the best option for your team collaboration and knowledge management: Center of Excellence (CoE), Center for Enablement (C4E), or Community of...

Empower Solution Delivery With the Right CoP, CoE, and C4E Model Storyboard

Use this tool to assess the best option for your team collaboration and knowledge management: Center of Excellence (CoE), Center for Enablement (C4E) or Community of...

Empower Solution Delivery With the Right CoP, CoE, and C4E Model

Companies want to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. How to approach it will depend on the specific purpose or project.

ACE Communications Deck

This template will give you step-by-step inputs from storyboard exercises to communicate the outcomes of your Agile Center of Excellence to your key stakeholders.

CoE Maturity Diagnostic Tool

This tool will help you determine the maturity level of your Center of Excellence.

ACE Satisfaction Survey

This satisfaction survey will help you baseline your Agile Center of Excellence and conduct periodic retrospectives of the effectiveness of its service offerings.

Spread Best Practices With an Agile Center of Excellence

As use of Agile grows in your organization, its benefits can be stifled by inconsistent practices and friction with existing management and governance structures....
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Enterprise Application Center of Excellence Stakeholder Presentation Template

Decide what needs to be presented and to whom. The purpose and format for communicating initiatives may vary based on the audience. Identify the audience first to ensure...

Maximize the Benefits from Enterprise Applications with a Center of Excellence

Organizations make large investments towards enterprise applications to enable and support business growth but are not fully leveraging their investment. They face...
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