Tagged - colocated work arrangement

Work-From-Home Tips for Employees

You may be preparing the workforce to begin working from home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Provide employees with this infographic to help them remain productive...

Work-From-Home Tips for Managers

You may be preparing the workforce to begin working from home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Provide managers with this infographic to help them maintain...

Health & Safety at Home Infographic

When employees work from home, ensure health & safety is top of mind. Help employees keep themselves safe wherever they are working.

Emergency Work-From-Home (WFH) Policy

Use this customizable policy template to set guidelines and the scope of the emergency WFH plan.

Guide to Work-From-Home Employee Wellbeing

The COVID-19 outbreak not only has an impact on physical health; it impacts overall wellbeing. In order to support the organization through this period, HR needs to take...

Performance Management for Emergency Work-From-Home

Performance management during an emergency work-from-home (WFH) protocol may be a challenge for managers that are not used to leading a remote team. Help managers adjust...

Emergency WFH Assessment Tool

Be prepared to launch emergency work-from-home measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use this tool to quickly determine eligibility, audit technology and setup...

Launch Emergency Work-From-Home

Prepare to support a remote workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use this guide to plan and implement work-from-home measures across your organization.
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