Tagged - cyber attack

The Evolution of Nation-State Hackers, and How to Protect Yourself From Spies

This week, we will dive into how internet-connected digital devices have enabled authoritarian nation-states to spy on open democratic societies, and how to protect...

Mitigate Cyber Risks During the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Review this publication for a summary of cyber risks related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, nation-level and Info-Tech cyber-defense recommendations, and resources to...

Respond to the SolarWinds Compromise

The extent and sophistication of this attack are staggering, and IT Security must be fully informed and take action immediately.

Special Letter: Cyber Security Is Everyone's Business

In security circles, it has long been a poorly kept secret that the tools of the time - firewalls, antivirus, and malware protection - were what scientists would call...

Behind the Snowden Patterns

Here are the major patterns involved in the stories regarding leaks by Booz Allen Hamilton contractor Edward Snowden, now residing in Hong Kong. I will say at the...

The Top 10 Things You Would Have Learned at FiRe 2013

Discover some of the highlights from the 2013 Future in Review Conference, including developments in P4 medicine and personal diagnostics, prevention of IP theft, views...

International Challenges to Innovation Protection

I believe that everyone needs to hear Sir Richard's thoughts and cautionary comments on the subject of the Chinese People's Liberation Army attacking commercial and...
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