Tagged - Data Platform

Build a Scalable Data Platform Research Center Capstone

Scale the data platform appropriately with increased confidence to get quick wins and long-term benefits.

Build Your Data Practice and Platform

Info-tech's approach provides a proven methodology that includes following: - Business-aligned data initiatives and capabilities that address data challenges and...
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Build Your Data Practice and Platform Storyboard

Use Info-Tech's road-tested patterns and frameworks found in this blueprint to break the perpetual data solution cycle. Focus on the value that a data and analytics...

Data Practice and Platform Models

Data practice & platform pre-build pattern templates based on Info-Tech data reference patterns and data platform design best practices.

Select Your Data Platform

Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an...
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Select Your Data Platform Storyboard

Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an...

Data Platform Design Assessment

Use this template to capture the results of the data platform design assessment.

Reference Architecture Pattern

Use this template to customize your target data platform pattern.
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