This project blueprint will help you prepare to successfully deploy a new PPM suite at your organization that can be sustainably adopted in the long term. It sets you up...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why preparing for PPM deployment will ensure that you get the most value out of the professional services you have purchased for...
This storyboard will help you prepare for the successful deployment of a new PPM suite at your organization. By carefully preparing relevant PPM data and fully defining...
This phase of the blueprint, Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software, will help you engage in purposeful and effective PPM deployment planning by clearly defining...
Use this template to create a project charter for the PPM suite preparation team.
Use this template to record project-related and resource management functional requirements for the new PPM suite. This template also records where key PPM data is...
Use this template to outline the high-level timeline and major milestones for the preparation, deployment, and post-deployment stages. Establishing a long-term view will...
Use this template to record your communication plan for the deployment period.
This phase of the blueprint, Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software, will help you provide clearer definition to specific project-related functional requirements and...
Use this workbook to organize and record project-related data and resource-related data needed to populate the new PPM suite. Only use this template if you do not already...