Tagged - Disruption

Factory of the Future – Smart Factory Trends for Durable Goods Storyboard

This strategic foresight trends report provides a high-level analysis, insights, and recommendations on trends and their respective technologies in the manufacturing...

Factory of the Future – Smart Factory Trends for Durable Goods

This strategic foresight trends report provides a high-level analysis, insights, and recommendations on trends and their respective technologies in the manufacturing...
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Demystify Blockchain: How Can It Bring Value to Your Organization?

This blueprint introduces a business-centric definition of blockchain around its unique and competitive technological features. Company leaders can obtain a clear...
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CIO Trend Report 2017

Trend reports can provide an academic outlook as to what is happening in the technology landscape, but not much else. CIOs need a framework to develop concrete insight...

CIO Trends Report 2017 – Executive Brief

Read our introduction to the 2017 CIO Trends Report that contains summaries of our eight key trends.

CIO Trends Report 2017 – The Eight Trends

CIOs need a framework to develop concrete insight into what the future is likely to bring, and how it might impact how they operate IT and how their organization does...

CIO Trends Report 2017 – The Digital Ecosystem

The Digital Ecosystem is driven by near ubiquitous connectivity, powered by a meshed network of objects and devices, and the capacity to have them all access the internet.

CIO Trend Report 2017 – Automated Cognition

Automated Cognition is the driven by advances in AI (artificial intelligence), advanced computing resulting in enhanced algorithms, and machine learning.

CIO Trend Report 2017 – Immersive UX

Immersive User Experience (UX) is a trend that is driven by developments in augmented and virtual reality, and wearable devices.

CIO Trend Report 2017 – XaaP (Everything as a Platform)

The XaaP trend is primarily driven by the convergence between the concept of open data and the proliferation of the Application Programming Interface (API).
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