Tagged - emerging technology

Ignorance Is NOT Bliss in an Exponential World

Ignore the exponential advancement of technology at your peril. IT leaders must make the time to stay on top of the exponential advancement of technology. Learn what you...

Apply Governance, Risk, and Strategy Together to Unlock the Value of Emergent Tech

New technologies are changing the way we work, but their implementation is often driven from outside IT. Embed yourself and your IT department in the governance, risk,...

Innovation Readiness Assessment

Are you ready to drive the adoption of autonomous business capabilities?

Drive Innovation With an Exponential IT Mindset

Your ability to capture enterprise value from autonomization relies on your innovation capabilities and potential. Is your IT team ready to drive the adoption of...

Webinar: 2021 CIO Priorities Report – An Australia & New Zealand View

During this session we review the top five priorities that will help CIOs develop resilience to better confront the uncertainty and volatility of the year ahead, with a...

Webinar: 2021 CIO Priorities Report

During this session we review the top five priorities that will help CIOs develop resilience to better confront the uncertainty and volatility of the year ahead.

2021 CIO Priorities Report: Priority 1 – Create an Appropriate Budget Reserve

Identifying and planning sources of financial contingency will help ensure CIOs can meet unforeseen and emergent operational and business needs throughout the year.

2021 CIO Priorities Report – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to understand the top five priorities for CIOs in 2021 and why these are so critical to confronting the year ahead.

2021 CIO Priorities Report – The Five Priorities

Use Info-Tech’s 2021 CIO Priorities Report to prepare for the uncertainty of the year ahead.

2021 CIO Priorities Report

Use Info-Tech’s 2021 CIO Priorities Report to prepare for the uncertainty of the year ahead. Across our five priorities we provide five avenues through which CIOs can...
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