This comprehensive Excel workbook helps you compile, track, and evaluate information from an organization’s financial statements as part of your financial due diligence.
This guide explores a range of financial concepts from building-block terminology through to more advanced concepts like profit, financial statements, and calculating value.
Our research shows that Black professionals’ experiences in tech are different from those of other professionals and have led to less satisfaction in their roles. This...
This report summarizes some of the experiences, including barriers and solutions, for Black professionals in IT.
This comprehensive competency-based question collection provides a list of behavioral questions that help the talent acquisition specialist and hiring manager interview...
Canadian labor shortages are widespread, affecting almost every sector. As a result, government employers need to get out there quickly to ensure that public service is...
If 2021 was about beginning to act on employee needs, 2022 will be about strategically examining each trend to ensure that the actions taken by the organization are more...
The pandemic forced us to work differently for the past two years. Looking forward, successful organizations will incorporate new ways of working into their business...
Despite growing awareness of the DEI challenges women face in the tech industry, the deep knowledge and actions needed to create change are lagging.
Organizations that are diverse have a better ability to innovate, be creative, and connect with their audiences. During this session we will address how to attract and...