Tagged - Ethereum


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Casino Floor Technology Initiative Workbook

Use this deliverable to determine which technologies and trends to prioritize.

The Future of Casino-as-a-Platform – Trend 2: Intangible Value Creation

Read this section of the strategic foresight trends report to learn about the Intangible Value Creation Trend and the impact it's having on the casino floor.

Canadian Law Firms Collaborate With OpenLaw on the Ethereum Platform to Automate M&A Escrow Agreements

Even though Ethereum’s co-founder Vitalik Buterin thinks the term “smart contract” is a misnomer for the technology he helped build, a pilot project by Canadian law firms...

Ethereum Loses Its Stranglehold on Developers and Decentralized Applications

Ethereum is ceding market share of decentralized applications (Dapps) and losing developers to its competitors. This bears attention, but there is no cause for alarm...
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