The role of energy in the global economy, and in political and military affairs, cannot be overstated. In this issue, we look at technology's role in energy and the total...
With the ongoing effects of the climate crisis, pandemic, and more, we have our work cut out for us if we want to understand what will affect markets in the rest of 2022.
Can economic development bridge political polarity and make America resilient again? In the face of growing political and economic volatility, manufacturing and supply...
This report will help you anticipate the changes the new ecosystem will bring, think about other systems currently experiencing this kind of disruption, and consider how...
Trained economists, who have no idea how the Chinese economy works, continue to try to predict events in the world economy, with essentially zero success. You cannot...
If the poet William Butler Yeats were writing this week’s issue, he’d say that the world’s economy has “changed, changed utterly.” There is no better lens through which...
With the massive disruptions caused by the pandemic, the world's businesses, workers, investors, and governments are all scrambling to answer a key question: Who will...
In this week's discussion, we'll skip all of the politics (knew you'd like that one) and challenge the black / white Lockdown / Open-up choices being bandied about...
In this release of our regular Asia Letter, Asia editor Scott Foster clearly paints the economic, technical, and military tensions that are the outfalls of US China...
For this preview of the upcoming, updated edition of "Theft Nation," the author has been kind enough to add a new preface. While the current administration has done a...