Tagged - Google Cloud

Aptum’s Acquisition of CloudOps Shows the Future of Cloud Growth Will Be Driven by Managed Services

Aptum, a Canadian-based managed service provider (MSP), announced the acquisition of cloud consultancy CloudOps. The acquisition will provide Aptum with "the final pieces...

Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to learn how the Public Cloud IaaS procurement models compare. Review Info-Tech’s methodology and understand the top three platforms, features,...

Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you learn the IaaS terminology basics, evaluate the top three IaaS vendors, and make an informed decision on a platform that best meets your...

Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 1: Educate

This Phase of the blueprint will help you understand the IaaS basics, terminologies, purchasing options, licensing requirements, hybrid options, support, and organization...

Public Cloud Procurement Checklist

This tool of the blueprint, Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models, will allow your review IaaS procurement features and create a checklist of features and...

Microsoft Public Cloud Licensing Guide

This tool of the blueprint, Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models, will help you understand Microsoft cloud licensing rules.

Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 2: Evaluate

This phase of the blueprint, Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models, will help you review and understand the features, downsides, and differences between the top...

Public Cloud Acquisition Executive Summary Template

This tool of the blueprint, Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models, will help you create a summary presentation for executives or leadership to support your IaaS...

Public Cloud Procurement Comparison Summary

This tool of the blueprint, Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models, will provide a side-by-side comparison summary of the top three vendor procurement features...

Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 3: Execute

This phase of the blueprint, Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models, will help you pull it all together, decide on a primary vendor, learn vendor specific...
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