Tagged - graphene


Desalination, Fusion & the Future of Thirst

From today's bottled water magnates to tomorrow's desal technologies, this week's report examines the current state of global drought, groundwater availability, and the...

Special Letter: The Carbon Trifecta

Imagine a world in which carbon is a source of value rather than a bane. Imagine carbon dioxide returning to pre-industrial levels. Weather displaying more predictable...

Global Flows and Disruptions: From the Economy to the Environment

As we were realizing that we had discovered the two primary actions underlying literally everything else in the world, I had the chance to talk with Bill Janeway about...

Special Letter: An Inflection Point for Advanced Materials

A deep dive into exactly how the world of materials is entering a renaissance period.

Apple Lost Its Mojo, AI Magic Has Not Arrived, Flows Matter

Updates on the world’s technology and economic landscapes, including Cloud Evolution and Apple’s future.

Killing the Killers: A Leading Indicator of Planetary Ecological Destruction

If you were a Martian coming to Earth for the first time, you might ask: a. Who is in charge here? And b. Over what? And c. Who is the smartest animal on this planet?...

Asia Letter, Q1 2017: Alternatives

From government to business, from TPP to bilateral agreements, from China-centric to multi-regional, there are clearly new fault lines being drawn for anyone doing...

FiRe 2016 in Review: Tuesday, 9.27

A recap of the discussions that took place on day 1 of FiRe 2016.

The Power of Flows II: New Theory and Applications

In our last regular issue, I discussed the power of flows in nature and mathematics and introduced the concept and systems redesign we are calling "Flow Computing." In...

It's About Time

Time may be the most important and most ubiquitous physical concept about which we know essentially nothing.
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