Tagged - India


Special India Update: Status Report After Half Modi's Term

India editor Rafiq Dossani discusses India's current government, which has offered the promise of reform and new politics, but no doubt has encountered the same headwinds...

Letter from India: Modi in India 2015 – Still Learning How to Govern

India is the wild card of Asia: always full of promise, but never quite achieving the goals of its citizens, or investors.

The India Report: Mr. Modi's India

In this issue, Asia Editor Rafiq Dossani brings us a no-holds-barred view of exactly how the election was won, who really is in charge today in India, and what we should...

The India Report: Politics and Bollywood

Rafiq Dossani takes on the politics of the coming Indian election and makes it all make sense, while providing the inside view of India's most consistent traditional...

Asia Letter, Q1 2014

In this quarter's report, Asia Editor and Ambassador Scott Foster has found some delightful nuggets that reveal planet-scale stories just under the ground. The departure...

Special Letter: India's Challenge

Today, we are seeing a free-fall in many currencies, with India in every day's lead news. Luckily for us, Rafiq Dossani has again delivered a timely insider-view of this...

Special Letter: India in 2013

The U.S. National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicts that India's contribution to global growth in the next 15 to 20 years will surpass that of any other individual...

Asia Letter, Q1 2013: Japan-India Cooperation

For almost a decade now, we have been writing about the economy called "ChinaPan": the interesting duopoly created with Japan's capital, China's workforce, and a shared...

Investing in India

After a few decades of unbridled growth, the economic powerhouses of Asia are beginning to encounter self-imposed limits that will drop their GDP figures by perhaps...

Special Letter: Can India Look After Itself?

Sixty-four years after India's independence in 1947, middle-class Indians are gripped by fears about the future. No, it is not the pathetic performance of the Indian...
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