Tagged - instructional technology

Optimize the Use of Classroom Technology: A Buyers Guide

Technology is changing the way we teach and learn. With the increased reliance on nontraditional students in higher education, there is an accompanying need to equip...

Optimize the Use of Classroom Technology Buyers Guide

Make the case for learning space transformation, understand key metrics, and identify the current trends in classroom technology and who the major vendors are.

Support Innovation in Educational Technology

Innovation in educational technology has low rates of adoption and can be a waste of scarce funds. A community of practice (CoP) is a useful approach to efficiently using...

Support Innovation in Educational Technology Storyboard

Work with stakeholders to establish a community of practice for innovation educational technology.

Community of Practice for Innovation in Educational Technology Template

A best-of-breed template to help you build the policy for the creation of a community of practice for technology innovation in an education institution.

Adapt Governance to Align Educational Technology With Faculty Needs

This strategic research describes the major changes to instructional technology happening in higher education. It makes the case for certain best practices to help IT...

Adapt Governance to Align Educational Technology With Faculty Needs Storyboard

Establish a strong collaborative foundation for educational technology.

IT Advisory Committee for Educational Technology Charter Template

Use this template to create an advisory committee charter for educational technology.

IT Working Group for Educational Technology Charter Template

Use this template to create a working group charter for educational technology.

K-12 Education Teacher Development Report

K-12 Education Teacher Development Report
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