Tagged - Internet

Guest Wireless Internet Acceptable Use Policy

The guest wireless internet acceptable use policy outlines the appropriate and inappropriate use of guest wireless internet resources within a company.

At 20

Twenty years ago this week, I emailed the first issue of this report to a long list of friends and colleagues. The first issue focused on IBM's hostile takeover offer for...

Is the Net at Risk?

Anyone paying attention has to be asking the question: Is the Internet today more useful to those intending good, or to those intending harm? For cybertheft, or for...

Balkanizing the Net: Benefits and Costs

When politicians from democratic countries first considered the effects of the Net on China, their naive assumption was that more information would be brought into this...

Wireless AORTA: The Fourth Place

There are many times when technological change brings unintended consequences. As we move into an era of very high bandwidth everywhere, everything is about to change.

Safety on the Net: Authentication, Pseudonymity, and Resilience vs. Increasing Threats

Vint Cerf, Google's Chief Evangelist and the "Father of the Internet," joins his longtime friend Larry Smarr, himself one of the technology heroes of the age, onstage for...

Resisting Chaos

The lower the rate of change of a complex platform, the greater the species diversity and number of non-platform entities that benefit from it.

IP Takes the Big Screen

When you look at the current landscape of devices and appliances, there is one remaining mountaintop, one last hurdle, a towering K2, which, like the mountain itself, has...

Defining Cyberwar

What if they gave a war, and nobody came? It's an old joke. But what if the next war were so different from the last that it was over before the victims even knew a war...

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Manager

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Manager's role is to coordinate, implement, and manage the organization's Internet-based strategies and initiatives for GIS...
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