Tagged - ip theft


The Most Valuable Things in the New Global Economy

Since China's adoption of the InfoMerc model, the old rules of supply and demand are no longer the primary drivers of price or value. In this issue, we help explain the...

​Disengagement: The Technical and Business Outcomes for an Isolated China

In today's issue, we are addressing the possibility that there's no way for "inventing nations" to engage with China without being harmed, or even dominated.

The New Global Economy

In this week's issue, we're going to look at the real causes behind what just happened this October, what major changes are likely to happen at the turn of the year, and...

Special Letter: Cyber Security Is Everyone's Business

In security circles, it has long been a poorly kept secret that the tools of the time - firewalls, antivirus, and malware protection - were what scientists would call...

Protecting Your IP Flows: A FiRe 2016 Panel

So China is stealing intellectual property with impunity. They take inventing countries' IP - they do it with impunity, there are no laws that reach to them, there's no...

Special Letter: Solving the IP Crisis and Enabling Global Economic Growth

I think this issue, and the IP Commission Report behind it, should be required reading for every CEO whose company depends upon technological advance.

The Big Shift

The world economy, based in the post-Information Age on invention, is moving to models based on copying and theft. This is happening not in single product lines or...

Behind the Snowden Patterns

Here are the major patterns involved in the stories regarding leaks by Booz Allen Hamilton contractor Edward Snowden, now residing in Hong Kong. I will say at the...

The Top 10 Things You Would Have Learned at FiRe 2013

Discover some of the highlights from the 2013 Future in Review Conference, including developments in P4 medicine and personal diagnostics, prevention of IP theft, views...

Inside FiRe

Whether your interest is in chips, software, massive data, analytics, data visualization, cloud computing, security, IP theft and protection, technology markets,...
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