Use this workbook to document key information and decisions while developing the redeployment and layoff strategy project.
Canadian labor shortages are widespread, affecting almost every sector. As a result, government employers need to get out there quickly to ensure that public service is...
COVID-19 is showing the true impacts that our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world can have. The world has been forced to respond, with a pandemic...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered record-breaking market volatility, causing organizations to face very hard decisions. Initiate redeployment efforts and reduce costs...
Use this tool to match employees with needed skills in order to redeploy employees.
Use this template to develop a redeployment action plan and document messaging.
Use this template to capture and communicate relevant redeployment and layoff information.
The rationale for making phones in China for Western markets was the motivation behind all Globalization moves: cheaper labor. This is a transitional time, when original...
The rationale for making phones in China for Western markets was the motivation behind all Globalization moves: cheaper labor. This is a transitional time, when original...