Configuring online learning can take time and resources not all organizations have, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. D2L is assisting with this through a Quick...
Mentoring can be more than a senior-junior power relationship. Use this solution set to amp up your program to support the development of quality learning relationships.
As workforce composition shifts, mentoring programs must move beyond the traditional senior-junior format option. Organizational culture and goals will dictate the best...
The Mentoring Program Diagnostic tool helps you to determine your organization's dominant culture (Competitive, Innovative, Cooperative, or Traditional), and then assess...
The Mentoring Project Plan Template provides a central place to track progress and document the necessary details involved with developing a mentoring program.
Use the Mentoring Project Feedback Surveys Template to evaluate the program and garner feedback from the program participants.
Today, at a time when the incorporation of basic internet connection technology in K-12 schoolrooms is accepted as a "When, not if" proposition, almost all of the...
This is an unprecedented time in U.S. education, and awareness that we have a problem has never been higher. Billions of dollars of public and private money are lined up...