Tagged - Lessons Tracking

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations

As a portfolio manager, you’re expected to size projects for approval and intake before they have sufficient definition. The consequences of initial sizing are felt...
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Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why bad estimates are costing your organization money and obscuring the good work your team is doing.

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you improve the accuracy of your early estimates using top-down allocations and analogous estimation principles.

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phase 1: Build Organizational Memory to Inform Early Estimations

This phase of the blueprint, Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations, will help you glean insight and value from your past projects.

PMO Organizational Memory Tool

Use this tool to track, maintain, and analyze historic project data. The lessons learned and project data contained here will improve the estimates and throughput of...

T-Shirt Sizing Health Check Lite

Use this tool to evaluate your estimation capabilities if you lack access to a comprehensive project history. Estimate the health of past estimates to start new projects...

Project Estimation Playbook

Use this template to track and develop an estimation process that is cohesive and repeatable for all future projects.

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phase 2: Develop and Refine a Reliable Estimate With Top-Down Allocations

This phase of the blueprint, Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations, will help you use your project history to develop and validate expectations for...

Planning-Level Estimate Calculator

Use this tool to create a reliable, transparent estimate that can be tracked and adjusted over the course of the project lifecycle. Use the Estimation Quote to set...

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phase 3: Implement a New Estimation Process

This phase of the blueprint, Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations, will help you integrate organizational learning and memory into your estimation...
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