Modern marketing management suite (MMS) platforms are imperative given today’s complex, multitiered, and often non-standardized marketing processes. Organizations must...
Streamline your organizational approach to the selection of a right-sized marketing management suite (MMS) platform.
This storyboard will help you follow a structured approach to select an MMS that is the right fit for your organization.
This phase of the blueprint helps you determine if MMS is right for your organization. Identify the "art of the possible" with MMS technology to see what both the IT...
In this phase of the blueprint, carry out the RFP and vendor demonstration process. Decide on an MMS and present the solution to stakeholders.
Request for proposals provide organizations with the opportunity to give vendors a detailed account of the requirements and the expected capabilities of their desired...
Use Info-Tech’s MMS Readiness Assessment Checklist to determine whether you have a sufficient foundation and strategy in place to ensure the right application is selected.
Use this tool to collect MMS requirements in alignment with the major functional areas of the MMS.