We live in a world that is fixated on metrics and believes that having more metrics is always better than having less. But the truth is that any poorly chosen or poorly...
The Executive Brief explores the pitfalls of metrics along with sound practices for the effective selection and use of metrics in your organization.
This storyboard will help you to navigate the treacherous waters surrounding effective selection and use of SDLC metrics in your organization.
This storyboard will help you understand the dangers of metrics and the ways in which they can hurt your organization.
This phase will help you understand good practices related to metrics selection and use and how to steer around the potential pitfalls.
This tool will help you rank and select effective SDLC metrics for your team.
This phase will help you to rank and select effective SDLC metrics using Info-Tech's TAG approach.
This template will use step-by-step inputs from the storyboard exercises to communicate the outcomes of your SDLC metric selection efforts.