Use Info-Tech NATRC 2018 Tribal Government Benchmark Reports to see what the future of tribes looks like and what sets leading tribes apart.
Understand the current skills, learning, and people development aspects of tribal nations and inform strategic plans to prioritize best practices.
Understand the current structure and trends affecting tribal governments. Inform strategic plans and prioritize best practices.
Review court & docket management system providers and build a shortlist of vendors for your tribal court & judicial system.
Understand the court & docket management system space, including the vendor and product capabilities and limitations.
Automation of court operations is driven by the need to improve communication and ICWA compliance, and as tribes obtain funding from the Office of Tribal Justice Support...
Tribal Enrollment and Membership Management solutions offer tribal governments an effective tool to assist in this process, as well as providing new opportunities to...
Info-Tech evaluated six products in the EMM space.
This tool allows small enterprises to generate a customized shortlist of EMM vendors based on required capabilities and future requirements for criteria such as product...