Preparing and implementing a negotiation strategy are key components to a negotiation process, but there is another piece to the puzzle; debriefing after negotiations...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why debriefings are an essential component of the negotiation process.
This storyboard will help you address and manage critical debriefing points throughout the negotiation process and the resulting information gathered.
This tool will help you conduct the debrief and evaluation sessions at various points in the negotiation process.
This phase of the blueprint, Evaluate and Learn From Your Negotiation Sessions More Effectively, will help you debrief after each negotiation session and identify the...
This phase of the blueprint, Evaluate and Learn From Your Negotiation Sessions More Effectively, will help you conduct evaluations at three critical points after...
Preparing to negotiate is only half the battle, and successfully implementing your negotiation strategy requires attention to the subtle nuances of the process. However,...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why implementing your negotiation strategy requires more than adequate preparation and why effective negotiations are essential to...
This storyboard will help you address and manage ten elements critical for implementing your strategy during your negotiations with vendors.
This phase of the blueprint, Implement Your Negotiation Strategy More Effectively, will help you understand and manage 10 critical elements during the negotiations.