Tagged - opinion


Five Things About Q4

Every year, around this time, I publish an estimate of what Q4, the "Christmas Quarter," will look like, particularly from the perspective of technology markets. For...

Special Letter: Solving the Greatest Enterprise Security Threat

About five years ago, Ray Ozzie, then newly anointed chief software architect at Microsoft, described the world he saw, from a security perspective, and the vision was...

Special Alert: IP Protection Warning

We have now been warning members of the dangers of a cyber attack on their corporate Intellectual Property for several years. We think the current level of threat has...

The Real Value of Intellectual Property

We live in the Information Age, we're told. But I would like to recast how you see global economics, so with your permission, I am going to ask that you add this verbiage...

Ten Things CEOs Should Know

CEOs get the weight of the whole company on their shoulders. Although everyone speaks of team effort, it is the CEO's face that is the company's face, and, more...

Asia Letter, Q1 2011: The Big One

The Japanese government has been urging people to remain calm, trying to prevent panic. The press--particularly the foreign press--has been spinning the story to maximize...

How to Save Microsoft

How can you consistently increase company performance year after year, without any benefit to your company's stock value? This has got to be the question that is driving...
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