Selecting the right partner for your sourcing needs is no longer a cost-based exercise. Long-term value is derived from selecting the partner who best matches your firm...
This presentation template is designed to capture the results from the exercises within the storyboard and allow users to build a presentation to leadership on how the...
This presentation defines the steps to select a partner to best fit your sourcing needs and deliver long-term value.
This presentation shows a completed example of the Select a Sourcing Partner for Your Development Team Template.
Custom application development is a strategic differentiator in the digital economy. Organizations need to make good decisions on how to insource or outsource that...
Investment in digital marketing technology has exploded as consumers flock to digital channels like email, social networking, video, photo, and mobile apps. IT has less...
This blueprint is designed to help IT and marketing achieve absolute consensus on the prioritization of digital channels and to create a roadmap for IT to build all...
This tool precisely determines and prioritizes the digital channels that your organization should and will pursue. It then identifies the IT capabilities that your...
Use this communication deck to educate IT and Marketing stakeholders on the generic value of digital marketing channels. Get everyone on the same level and establish a...