The laws of physics derive directly from the physical characteristics and symmetry properties of otherwise-empty space. Only through studying the nature of the vacuum...
Biology is the exquisite result of trial-and-error survivorship testing over breathtaking lengths of time, while technology is the product of the human brain. These...
While the work using Resonance Theory will likely never be complete, this issue provides at least a parenthetical close to the series begun in 1979 at the smallest level,...
In this latest installment, Mark Anderson considers a new view of the cosmos. If the major interpretations of red shift are now either in doubt or about to be disproved,...
It is unlikely that the reader will have encountered many, or even any, of the concepts, relationships, or discoveries laid out in this issue. And the reason is simple:...
There is a massive acceptance of the meme that atoms and bits are increasingly fungible in some basic way. If mass is energy (it is), and energy represents information,...
Time may be the most important and most ubiquitous physical concept about which we know essentially nothing.
The basic aspects of this theory have the potential to affect computing, communications, photonics, materials science, and many other sectors we follow daily. For that...
Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of watching member Michael Hochberg preside at the opening ceremonies of the Institute for Photonic Integration, a new facility at...