Tagged - process standardization
Types of Content
Initiate Your Service Management ProgramDerive full value out of service management by running it like a program with defined goals that are tied to business needs and governance that keeps decisions aligned to... |
Initiate Your Service Management Program – Executive BriefRead this Executive Brief to understand why service management Implementations often fail and why you should establish governance for service management. |
Service Management Program Initiation PlanUse this template to document your service management initiation and governance plan. |
Initiate Your Service Management Program – StoryboardDerive full value out of service management by running it like a program with defined goals that are tied to business needs and governance that keeps decisions aligned to... |
Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance FrameworkRarely do organizations get the EA governance framework right and EA governance is often perceived as an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy because business benefits are... |