Tagged - Project portfolio management

Analyst-Partner Briefing: PMO Outsource Ltd.

In this video, Info-Tech's PPM analysts discuss the current state of project portfolio management tooling challenges with Robert Strickland and Neeta Manghnani from the...

Microsoft Project & M365 Licensing Tool

Define your Microsoft Project licensing needs based on your stakeholder groups.

M365 Task Management Tool Guide

Optimize how you manage your day-to-day tasks with the productivity tools in M365.

M365 Project Management Tool Guide

Determine the right Microsoft Project options for your project managers.

M365 Project Portfolio Management Tool Guide

Determine your options to manage the project portfolio with the Microsoft suite.

Tool Audit Workbook

Assess the value of work management tools and determine which ones should stay and which ones should go.

Force Field Analysis Tool

Document the driving and resisting forces for making a change to your work management tools at this time.

Project Management Maturity Assessment Workbook (With Tool Analysis)

Assess your Project Management current state maturity and determine your target state maturity.

Microsoft Project & M365 Action Plan Template

Use this template in conjunction with Info-Tech’s Determine the Future of MS Project for Your Organization blueprint. It is comprised of four sections, one of which you...

Analyst-Partner Briefing: OnePlan

In this video, Info-Tech's PPM analysts discuss the current state of project portfolio management tooling challenges with Paul Estabrooks from the Microsoft Gold Partner...
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