The data center relocation move day event requires thorough planning and coordination. A minute-to-minute plan of tasks ensures the move team is prepared for the event....
Costs are often the main impetus for pursuing a data center consolidation project. Use this tool to compare and contrast the current state TCO and the TCO after...
Statements of Work (SOW) from data center relocation services providers can be very difficult to differentiate because of considerable overlap in key content. This...
This phase of the blueprint will help you create the necessary documents to support the consolidation team on the day of the move. This includes move day scripts,...
Managing a data center consolidation project can be an overwhelming task. Ensure that communication occurs both internally between consolidation teams and also externally...
The goal of this template is to help business and IT stay aligned throughout the consolidation process. Review high-level goals, plans, and results with the business...
This phase of the blueprint will help you establish a repeatable process to review the results of the consolidation and decommission the old facility.
Relocating the data center is a large undertaking that involves a great deal of old and new equipment. Decommissioning the old data center facility ensures that all...
The QA team plays a critical role on the day of the data center move to ensure all systems are up and running after the move has taken place. Establish test cases,...
This phase of the blueprint will help you establish a strong business case for the project through a TCO analysis and a comprehensive business requirements analysis.