Tagged - recession

Three Strategies to Achieve More With Your Digital Advertising Budget

Times are getting tough with a potential recession looming, and companies are looking to tighten budgets. Typically, marketers allocate the lion's share of their spend to...

Tech Trends Insights Every Canadian Public Sector IT Leader Needs to Succeed in 2023

Info-Tech’s Tech Trends 2023 report has a wealth of information for IT decision makers and CIOs across industries. Before you review the whole report, here are highlights...

Asia Letter, Q4 2015: China Inflection Point

I would like to thank Scott Foster for continuing to provide all of us with detailed views of Asian technology and business strategic moves that are often not carried by...

Asia Letter, Q2 2012: One Year Later

From the deeply personal to the public governmental and business reactions to this cascade of tragedies, the Japanese have quietly shown the world how to deal with...

IT Cost-Cutting Tactics for Coping with a Down Economy

This is a collection of published Info-Tech research specifically designed to help IT identify areas for IT cost-cutting, along with tactics on how to achieve cost...

Measuring the Economic Health of IT, Post Recession

Info-Tech's analysis of IT budgets across North America reveals a strong upward trend since 2009. Organizations are benefiting from the economic recovery and the effects...
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