The GDPR enforcement deadline is here. Organizations must understand the risk of non-compliance and what the ramifications may mean for their reputation and future...
GDPR has critical operational impacts and ramifications on organizations globally.
Becoming GDPR compliant continues to be a daunting project. This storyboard will help you right-size your compliance efforts.
This phase of the blueprint, Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts, will help you better understand the regulation and define your desired compliance outcomes.
This phase of the blueprint, Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts, will help you understand the areas of your organization that are top priority for compliance.
To enable effective execution of compliance, GDPR initiatives should be evaluated and prioritized.
This phase of the blueprint, Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts, will help you satisfy a core regulatory requirement: a record of processing.
As a data controller or processor, align your required record of processing requirements to your activities.
This phase of the blueprint, Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts, will aid in aligning privacy and information security.
This phase of the blueprint, Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts, highlights the next regulatory steps and helps prioritize all your compliance projects.