In this edition of the quarterly Asia Letter, analyst Scott Foster reports on NTT's plans to develop generative AI services, Samsung's plans for a new R&D facility in...
This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cyber criminals, and hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control...
In this edition of our regular Asia Letter, research analyst Scott Foster focuses on Japan's role in the technology sector and in the global economy, including its...
This week’s discussion by Scott Foster, a research analyst and writer who has worked for American and European investment banks in Japan and Korea for more than 25 years,...
It seems as though hardly a week goes by without a new scientific discovery about graphene's growing list of electrical, chemical, and physical properties, and of their...
In a week when the president's own party has turned against his most important geopolitical and economic project, the Trans Pacific Partnership, our Asia Editor Scott...
Most of today's technology leaders would say that smartphones represent the most dynamic, and most strategic, sector on the global economic landscape. Just as the...
A funny thing happened to South Korea's march toward total domination of the cellphone market: it ran into its own business model, on a much larger scale. A decade or so...
The collapse of the old-style security firms that we predicted a few months ago is now well under way, with the largest of these talking publicly about the demise of...
This circus-like competitive swirl is not about who has the coolest widget. It is only, and all, about whose business model best fits the markets and the offerings.