A powerful combination of supply chain visibility and global trade management is now available through E2open and its acquisition of Amber Road software.
Determine whether marketing management suite (MMS) technology is right for your organization. Find your use case and select an appropriate marketing solution by utilizing...
Read this Executive Brief to understand how to turbocharge your company’s marketing capabilities with a marketing management suite.
Gaming and Hospitality organizations need a powerful business intelligence solution to drive business insights and performance, guest satisfaction, and cost reductions in...
This research is designed for gaming and hospitality organizations looking for a flexible, scalable, and powerful Business Intelligence (BI) solution to drive business...
This tool allows gaming and hospitality organizations to profile their Business Intelligence (BI) requirements and generate a rank-ordered vendor shortlist from a fixed...
The Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool is designed to identify achievable goals in three social media target areas: sales, marketing, and customer service.
For organizations that have issued a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) using Info-Tech's BI RFP Template, gathering and scoring the various responses can be difficult and...