Tagged - security-and-privacy

Re-Evaluating Privacy and Technology During a Pandemic

When challenging and unprecedented situations occur, the initial reaction is born out of survival instincts. These short-term solutions often negate a calculated set of...

Webinar: Cybersecurity Priorities in Times of Pandemic

The new remote workforce opens your attack surface. Adjust your security strategy with the current priorities and tackle initiatives that can reduce the suddenly larger...

Cybersecurity Priorities in Times of Pandemic

The recent events around COVID-19 have been unprecedented, and organizations have taken measures to maintain business continuity. Security can never be an afterthought,...

Cybersecurity Priorities in Times of Pandemic Storyboard

The recent events around COVID-19 have been unprecedented, and organizations have taken measures to maintain business continuity. IT is supporting business continuity...

Cybersecurity Priorities Checklist Tool

This tool will help you filter out controls from a predefined list of primary, secondary, and tertiary priority domains and help you visualize a final list of initiatives...

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) – Should DoD Contractors Prepare Amidst COVID-19?

A note offering guidance to organizations that have, or endeavor to have, a contract relationship with the United States Department of Defense (U.S. DoD) amid the new...

Monitor Remote User Activity via SIEM

The COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity for cybercriminals as organizations reduce focus on security protocols due to time-sensitive remote access initiatives. SIEM can...

Managing Security Vendors in a Pandemic

During times of global pandemics and crisis, organizations must be vigilant about risk management, especially around cybersecurity. The COVID-19 outbreak is the worst...

Update Your Incident Response Plan to Accommodate a Remote Workforce

As more organizations move to a work-from-home business model in response to COVID-19, the increased security risk of remote work reinforces the need to update your...
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