Tagged - security architecture

Video: Security Architecture Recommendation Tool

This video acts as a virtual tour through the Security Architecture Recommendation Tool. Use it to gain a better understanding of the purpose and functionality of the tool.

Identify Opportunities to Mature the Security Architecture – Phase 2: Create a Security Program Roadmap

Use the results of the assessments from Phase 1 to build a three-year roadmap for improving the security program as a whole.

EA Operating Model Template

This template is designed to help you amalgamate all the necessary enterprise architecture operating model deliverables in a single document format.

Business Architect

This template is designed to help you create a job description for a business architect.

Application Architect

This template is designed to help you create a job description for an application architect.

EA Views Taxonomy

This template is designed to help you understand the various architectural views set out by TOGAF, and select the ones appropriate for your organization.

EA Roadmap

This template is designed to help you formulate a roadmap to keep the operating model on schedule.

Security Policy Implementation Tool

In most cases, using a phased implementation approach for Security Policy allows enterprises to begin to reap policy benefits quickly without causing the massive culture...
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