Review this publication for a summary of recent attacks, including the Kaseya VSA server compromise, typical ransomware attack vectors, and recommendations for actions to...
Don’t be the next headline. Determine your current readiness, response plan, and projects to close gaps.
Quantify the business impact of a ransomware attack to communicate risk and prioritize the systems and data that need the greatest protection
Identify specific tasks and projects to address gaps and improve your ability to prevent and respond to ransomware attacks.
Summarize your organization's current readiness and present a prioritized project roadmap to improve ransomware prevention and recovery capabilities.
As more organizations move to a work-from-home business model in response to COVID-19, the increased security risk of remote work reinforces the need to update your...
Wolters Kluwer suffers security breach after poor security management.
According to Citrix and Resecurity, attackers exploited weak passwords and bypassed multi-factor authentication to obtain Citrix’s business documents.