Tagged - Security steering committee

Information Security Steering Committee Charter

A charter is the organizational mandate that outlines the purpose, scope, and authority of the Information Security Steering Committee.

Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee

Successful information security governance requires a venue to address security concerns with participation across the entire business. Without access to requisite...
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Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why a security steering committee is different than an IT steering committee but just as valuable.

Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you set up your steering committee and identify the key players, their responsibilities and the capabilities of your committee.

Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee – Phase 1: Define Committee Purpose and Responsibilities

This phase of the blueprint, Improve Security Governance with a Security Steering Committee, will help you define your committee.

Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee – Phase 2: Determine Information Flows, Membership & Accountabilities

This phase of the blueprint, Improve Security Governance with a Security Steering Committee, will help you determine how information will flow between the committee and...

Improve Security Governance With a Security Steering Committee – Phase 3: Operate the Information Security Steering Committee

This phase of the blueprint, Improve Security Governance with a Security Steering Committee, will help you define your meeting agendas and the procedures to support those...

Information Security Steering Committee Stakeholder Presentation

Use this template to explain the goals and benefits of the Information Security Steering Committee.
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