Tagged - selecting contractors

Data Center Renovation Contractor Scripted Interview

Data center facilities call for specific industrial design and engineering requirements to meet needs for fire-protection, power provisioning, stand-by power, cooling,...

Data Center Renovation Contractor Reference Checklist

Data center renovation projects can lead to unexpected complexity and require the assistance of mechanical engineers or contractors in planning and implementation stages....

Data Center Contractor Selection Scripted Interview

Data center facilities call for specific industrial design and engineering requirements to meet needs for fire-protection, power provisioning, stand-by power, cooling,...

Data Center Contractor Scripted Interview Scorecard

When meeting with potential contractors for the build of a new data center, organizations should use a scripted interview to aid in the decision making process. Each...

Data Center Contractor Reference Check Checklist

Building a data center is a complex and expensive project that requires the assistance of contractors, especially in the design and planning stages. Selecting the right...
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