A detailed description of considerations to be made before preparing to launch a project to upgrade or install packaging machinery.
This research outlines the impact that sustainability-conscious consumers and government regulations are having on packaging and guidelines to make your manufacturing...
This research provides an overview of the trends in the packaging industry and the pressures packaging suppliers and users face today. Learn how packaging providers and...
Our research shows that Black professionals’ experiences in tech are different from those of other professionals and have led to less satisfaction in their roles. This...
This report summarizes some of the experiences, including barriers and solutions, for Black professionals in IT.
Health Insurance Claims Automation Trend Report
This report offers an analysis and benchmarking of key IT performance indicators, staffing figures, process maturity, and much more to enable casino and integrated resort...
This report offers an analysis and benchmarking of key IT performance indicators, staffing figures, process maturity, and much more to enable casino and integrated resort...
Automotive Manufacturing IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook
Biology is the exquisite result of trial-and-error survivorship testing over breathtaking lengths of time, while technology is the product of the human brain. These...