Tagged - visual-based DRP

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 1: Streamline DRP Documentation

This phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you create visual-based documentation.

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 2: Select the Optimal DRP Publishing Strategy

This phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you select a DRP publishing strategy.

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 3: Keep Your DRP Relevant Through Maintenance Best Practices

This phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you keep your DRP relevant.

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Appendix: XMPL Case Study

This appendix to Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan presents a sample DRP based on Info-Tech's engagements with our members.
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