Tagged - visual-based DRP
Types of Content
Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 1: Streamline DRP DocumentationThis phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you create visual-based documentation. |
Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 2: Select the Optimal DRP Publishing StrategyThis phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you select a DRP publishing strategy. |
Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 3: Keep Your DRP Relevant Through Maintenance Best PracticesThis phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you keep your DRP relevant. |
Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Appendix: XMPL Case StudyThis appendix to Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan presents a sample DRP based on Info-Tech's engagements with our members. |