Tagged - workforce strategy

Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage in Government

Cyberattacks impact governments, businesses, and individuals through compromised critical infrastructure; disruption to essential services, power, and communication...

Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage in Government Storyboard

Governments are at risk from cyberattacks as they become more digital, requiring them to take measures to enhance their cyber resilience. A common challenge is getting...

Redeployment and Layoff Strategy Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions while developing the redeployment and layoff strategy project.

Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic

COVID-19 is showing the true impacts that our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world can have. The world has been forced to respond, with a pandemic...
  • guided implementation icon

Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic Storyboard

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered record-breaking market volatility, causing organizations to face very hard decisions. Initiate redeployment efforts and reduce costs...

Skills Inventory for Redeployment Tool

Use this tool to match employees with needed skills in order to redeploy employees.

Redeployment Action and Communication Plan

Use this template to develop a redeployment action plan and document messaging.

Redeployment Communication Roll-up Template

Use this template to capture and communicate relevant redeployment and layoff information.
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